ESG (Environment, Social, Governance)
Sustainability - Integral Part of Kaneka
Sustainability is a key value in Kaneka’s business philosophy. Our mission is to use our innovative technologies and scientific expertise to create safe and high-quality materials. We are determined to continuously optimize our product portfolio, technical developments, and production processes with the greatest attention and respect for the environment.
Kaneka Belgium acknowledges the global ESG-charter of the Kaneka Group as documented in the Kaneka Integrated Report.
Responsible Care®
Aligned with the entire Kaneka Group, Kaneka Belgium is committed to the Responsible Care Global Charter principles.
Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry’s voluntary initiative to drive continuous improvements in safe chemicals management and achieve excellence in environmental, health, safety, and security performance.
Through Responsible Care®, we commit to:
Enable a corporate leadership culture that proactively supports safe chemicals management.
Safeguard people and the environment by continuously improving our environmental, health, and safety performance, facility security, and the safety of our products.
Strengthen chemical management systems around the globe.
Work with business partners to promote safe chemicals management within their own operations.
Engage with stakeholders, respond to their concerns and communicate openly on our performance and products.
Contribute to sustainability by developing innovative technologies and other solutions to societal challenges.

Management Systems / Certificates
Kaneka Belgium NV has integrated ISO-certified management systems in place to meet global customer requirements and ensure that the highest standards in quality, environment, energy and safety are maintained.
- EN ISO 9001: 2024 “Quality Management System”
- EN ISO 14001: 2024 "Environmental Management System"
- EN ISO 50001: 2024 "Energy Management System"
We commit to the leading principles stipulated in our policy statements.
- Quality Policy Statement
- Environmental Policy Statement
- Energy Policy Statement
- Safety Policy Statement

Operation Clean Sweep®
Kaneka Belgium has become a partner of the Operation Clean Sweep® initiative in 2021 by signing the OCS pledge to further prove our commitment to a clean environment. Operation Clean Sweep is the international program that strives to prevent plastic pellet and powder loss and ensure that these materials do not end up in the environment. By implementing “good housekeeping” practices and awareness campaigns, we strive for zero pellet and beads loss.

Support for the United Nations Global Compact
Kaneka Belgium acknowledges the corporate participation of the Kaneka Group in the UN Global Compact, by which we support the Ten Principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. By incorporating these principles into our strategies, policies, and procedures and establishing a culture of integrity, we uphold our responsibilities to people and the planet and set the stage for long-term sustainable growth.

We are committed
To address individual inquiries and questionnaires from our stakeholders, we provide a code of conduct statement about our commitments.
Download our code of conduct statement
Download slavery and human trafficking statement